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Standards Check

Grade ‘A’ is the highest grade an Approved Driving Instructor can be awarded for their Standards Check.

The Road Traffic Act 1988 (as amended) states that continued registration as an ADI is subject to the condition that they will undergo a test of “continued ability and fitness to give instruction”, known as a standards check (or check test), as and when required by the Registrar. The standards check allows one of the Agency’s examiners to check that your instruction is up to the required standard, by accompanying you while you conduct a normal lesson.

Assessment Notes

This form is designed to identify the strengths in your instructional ability and to highlight any areas which you may need to develop. The form is provided in conjunction with verbal feedback with the aim of helping you improve your instructional ability.

Criteria for Scoring

Assessment is against three broad areas of competence:

  • Lesson planning
  • Risk management
  • Teaching and learning strategies

A full description regarding the assessment can be found in the “National standard for driver and rider training” available on www.gov.uk (teaching people to drive)

ADI Grades

Assessing the lower competencies will represent a ‘profile’ of Instructional Competence.

Score Description Grade
0-30 Unsatisfactory performance FAIL
31-42 Sufficient competence demonstrated to permit or retain entry on the Register of Approved Driving instructors GRADE B
43-51 A high overall standard of instruction demonstrated GRADE A